Methods of monitoring brain function
- ARMA coefficient deviation from EEG
- Pole locations based on centroids derived from ARMA coefficients
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU2004206763 |
Registered |
Europe |
4701863.5 |
Registered |
Japan |
JP4693763 |
Registered |
New Zealand |
NZ541615 |
Registered |
United States |
US7937138 |
Registered |
EEG analysis system
- Covers [1] and
- Derivation of CS and CI from ARMA coefficients
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU2007257335 |
Registered |
Europe |
7719904.5 |
Registered |
China |
200780027483.2 |
Registered |
New Zealand |
NZ541615 |
Registered |
United States |
8483815 |
Registered |
Japan |
5194291 |
Registered |
Brain function monitoring and display system
- Covers [2] and
- Describes display system
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU2007257335 |
Registered |
Europe |
7719043.7 |
Registered |
Japan |
5194290 |
Registered |
New Zealand |
NZ573460 |
Registered |
United States |
8175696 |
Registered |
China |
200780027482.8 |
- |
Neurodiagnostic monitoring and display system
- Covers [1] to [3] and
- Combining CS and CI as a diagnostic measure of a number of disorders impairing cognition and brain function
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU20072324331 |
Registered |
Europe |
7815566 |
Registered |
Composite brain function monitoring and display system
- Covers [1] to [3] and
- Deviation of CCS from ARMA coefficients
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU2011305059 |
Approved |
United States |
18/82232.8 |
Registered |
Europe |
11826221.1 |
Registered |
Methods of monitoring brain function
- ARMA coefficient deviation from EEG
- Pole locations based on centroids derived from ARMA coefficients
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU2004206763 |
Registered |
Europe |
4701863.5 |
Registered |
Japan |
JP4693763 |
Registered |
New Zealand |
NZ541615 |
Registered |
United States |
US7937138 |
Registered |
EEG analysis system
- Covers [1] and
- Derivation of CS and CI from ARMA coefficients
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU2007257335 |
Registered |
Europe |
7719904.5 |
Registered |
China |
200780027483.2 |
Registered |
New Zealand |
NZ541615 |
Registered |
United States |
8483815 |
Registered |
Japan |
5194291 |
Registered |
Brain function monitoring and display system
- Covers [2] and
- Describes display system
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU2007257335 |
Registered |
Europe |
7719043.7 |
Registered |
Japan |
5194290 |
Registered |
New Zealand |
NZ573460 |
Registered |
United States |
8175696 |
Registered |
China |
200780027482.8 |
- |
Neurodiagnostic monitoring and display system
- Covers [1] to [3] and
- Combining CS and CI as a diagnostic measure of a number of disorders impairing cognition and brain function
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU20072324331 |
Registered |
Europe |
7815566 |
Registered |
Composite brain function monitoring and display system
- Covers [1] to [3] and
- Deviation of CCS from ARMA coefficients
Country | Patent No | Status |
Australia |
AU2011305059 |
Approved |
United States |
18/82232.8 |
Registered |
Europe |
11826221.1 |
Registered |